Ryan Frantz

Designing Alerts to Direct Attention

Many of the alerts monitoring systems send us are primitive capture events lacking useful context that can aid our response. In this presentation I discuss joint cognitive systems, humans’ executive functions, and recommend ideas that challenge the audience to think about designing their alerts to support humans’ mental abilities.


Continuous Culture

Culture is always evolving and doesn’t come for free. This is the story of Etsy’s journey from 4-person startup to an international organization and the culture that we all work to foster.


It’s 3AM, Do You Know Why You Got Paged?

When it’s three in the morning, it’s hard enough waking up, let alone getting your brain in gear to fix problems. Computers should provide us with additional context around an alert, so that we can resolve issues faster and get back to sleep. This presentation discusses how to contextualize alerts automatically, so that engineers can address issues faster and get back to what they were doing.


Mean Time to Sleep

Laurie Denness and I gave a presentation at Velocity Santa Clara wherein we discussed the ways Etsy’s Operations team worked to improve the on-call experience for our fellow engineers.


Influencing Cultural Change

Here I share my experiences working to build influence and effect positive cultural change at a past employer. I focus on the relationship between the Operations team I built and the Development team with whom we needed to collaborate to meet the needs of the business.


Web Load Balancing

This is my presentation from LOPSA-East 2013 where I reviewed a load balancing solution I built using nginx, haproxy, and keepalived.


How I Tried to Change Culture and Failed

This was a lightning talk I gave a LOPSA Baltimore. (My apologies for the bad audio; I wasn’t always close to the mic, being the effervescent talker that I am…)
